Press Release Summary: Don´t let hackers steal valuable knowledge - Danish SecPoint leads the way
Press Release Body: It is not big. Nor is it heavy, nor expensive. But its value may prove absolutely immeasurable. No business likes the thought of - nor wishes to pay the consequent price of - intruders gaining access to insider knowledge electronically.
Danish SecPoint has developed a particularly effective weapon in the fight against hackers. The weapon - a penetrator - is integrated in an ordinary laptop computer, and, hey presto, the buyer has not only a usable working tool, but also a scanner that quickly detects possible vulnerabilities of the wireless business network, cracking any bad codes and encryptions. Indeed, the penetrator not only detects vulnerabilities, it also presents a solution to the problem.
- In reality, you try to hack into your own business. If you don´t succeed, others most likely will not be able to \"penetrate\" either, says Victor Christiansenn, managing director of SecPoint.
The enterprise has spent a year developing this unique product, a time well spent because SecPoint has achieved exactly the pursued user-friendliness. In other words, technical knowledge is not necessary to get benefit of the penetrator.
- We have done all the spadework. Five minutes. Then you are performing an effective vulnerability scan of your business, Victor Christiansenn promises.
As described above, the penetrator is integrated in an ordinary laptop computer with Windows Vista, together with SecPoint´s traditional vulnerability scanning. The penetrator has been exhibited at fairs for instance in the Netherlands, and the first customers have already benefited from the product. The price is around 16,000 Danish kroner plus VAT. 30 days´ support is included, and SecPoint readily performs a pre-purchase demonstration of the penetrator against the enterprise´s own wireless network.
- The IT security enterprise SecPoint was founded in 1999 by Victor Christiansenn at the age of only 18.
- Until recently, the enterprise was located in Vejle, but the head office is now in Copenhagen.
- Other offices of SecPoint are located in the Netherlands, Spain, Slovenia, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania and the Czech Republic.
- SecPoint supplies computer security to 80 countries through more than 600 distributors.
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Contact Details: Victor Christiansenn +45 40 90 16 30